Monday, June 3, 2013

Jewelry Stores and Their Payouts.

I have written about these vendors before and I wanted to get a little more in depth on the principles and practices of how, why and how much the buy and sell gold for.  I would also like to discuss diamond jewelry prices and sales.

Buy or Sell Gold, That is the Question.

I constantly see economists and investment advisors telling people that it is not time to sell gold.  They are suggesting you buy gold.  The arguments lead to the gold rate to reach well over $2,000.00 an ounce! 

The arguments are wide spread on when to buy and sell gold.  One argument is that gold is being mined and the demand is outweighing the supply.  They state that all the gold in the world would encompass filling a 20-meter room, 20 meters high.  Gold is costing $500.00 per ounce to mine and it could never go below $500.00.  The basic principles of economics sometimes do not apply.  If you disagree, please refer to the silver price and platinum prices.

The best argument that I agree with is that people are scared.  They do not have faith in the US Dollar and that the gold currency (If You will), is far more stable and the Federal Government can’t affect this value.  Yes, the argument that finds it self to be the most accurate is this. 

Where today would you invest your money?  Real Estate equals dangerous and the stock market scares everyone after all the corporate fiascos.  Don’t even think of taking cash and putting it under your bed!  The dollar is worth far less than it was four years ago.  It’s so bad the US lost its credit rating of AAA and now, the price on gold coins are even more than the gold rate!

Without getting into politics, we all want one thing; we want life to become stable again.  When we do become stable, there will again be faith in the US government, the budget will be balanced and the US dollar value will return to a real value.  When this happens, gold will also return to its real value.  I expect it to be somewhere around $400.00 to $600.00 per ounce.  When will these things happen?  I truly believe when we have a new administration that restores the faith in the US public.  Will this be a change to the party running it…we will see, but I will bet that precious metals will recover and gold jewelry will sell again because it has a reasonable price.

I think gold reached its peak in 2010.  It has dropped over 20% since then and I feel that people are becoming used to the difficulties life has dealt us.  This does not mean that the escalated value will drop; it purely means that I do not see any great increases.  The average person sees the market turn six months to a year after the investors.  Don’t get caught, sell gold now, the money you can make is tremendous. 

Check the precious metals and gold rates on our site below.  Save the link and check periodically.  It is not going up!  We are building a widget to check them right on your desk top.  Let me know if you would like for me to send you the widget.

Do you think the president can control the cost of gold?

Kevin Robbins

Friday, May 24, 2013

What Is Diamond Appraisal And Grading Report?

If you want to sell diamonds and are looking for some helpful information on the internet, you will come across two common terms: diamond appraisal and diamond grading report. The appraisal and grading report, are important to evaluate the value and preciousness of your diamond just like the purity stamp plays a role in the value of your items when you want to sell platinum, gold or silver.

Monday, May 6, 2013

What Affects the Gold Selling Price?

Gold is a commodity and therefore is driven by supply and demand as well as speculation. Unlike most other commodities, saving and disposal plays a larger role in affecting its price than its consumption. Almost all the gold ever mined still exists in forms such as bullion and jewelry.
Central banks and the International Monetary Fund play an important role in the gold price because they hold 19 percent of all the above ground gold as official gold reserves. Any real or speculative moves by these institutions affect the gold selling price dramatically.
Gold, like all precious metals, may be used as a hedge against inflation, deflation and currency devaluation. If the return on bonds, equities and real estate do not compensate for risk and inflation then the demand for gold and other precious metal investments increases.
Gold jewelry accounts for over 2/3rds of annual demand and India is the largest consumer in volume at 27% followed by China and the USA. Industrial, dental and medicinal uses account for 12% of gold demand.
In closing, the demand and speculation are the driving force affecting the gold selling price.
By, Kevin Robbins

Friday, May 3, 2013

Has U.S. Government Confiscated Gold?

Unbelievably the answer is YES.  
April 5th 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102. The order criminalized the possession of gold which included gold jewelry by individuals and businesses. It was said that the Great Depression was extended by the hoarding of gold. Stiff penalties of $10,000 ($175,000 in 2012) and or up to five to ten years imprisonment were sanctioned.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sell Gold Jewelry

The global recession has been the cause of many people losing their jobs which has created a need to liquidate valuables for cash.  If you find yourself in this situation where you need extra cash, you have the opportunity to sell gold jewelry or precious metals to gold dealers in person or online.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Selling Antique Diamonds

Some people inherit jewelry from their parents and grandparents and know that they will never wear it – they hang on to it for sentimental reasons.  If you have a need to sell an antique diamond, the first observation you should be aware of is that a diamond has to be over 100 years old to be classified as an antique.  Diamonds under that age are classified as vintage diamonds.
The most popular antique diamond cuts varied over the years.